RISE Trailer Launched at Jupiter's Casino Gold Coast

Last Monday marked a pretty big night for my career thus far. The Feature Film RISE that I have been working on for the past two years is well on its way to making it to cinemas. We took the opportunity to showcase the theatrical trailer at the Gold Coast Indie Film and TV Networking event at Jupiter’s Hotel & Casino.

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High Risk - High Gain (or so I hope)

We've all had that opportunity thrown at us, on a whim, to do something unforeseen and incredible like moving out with a best friend, being offered an internship in another state or something so exciting it simply puts you out of your comfort zone. This is one of those industries where if you don't like being in a constant state of flux, complete, uncomfortable flux it’s probably not for you.

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The Beginning: A how to guide for creative young professionals

Dearest reader, This is a blog for everyone out there who is starting out in the 'Creative Industries' or is wanting to know more about the youth that inhabit the creative sphere. I want to dissolve any preconceived ideas about what the youth of today get up to and show you exactly what we do and who we are.

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